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Tuesday, October 26, 2010

VCT Flooring No Match for Stratus Green Miracle Pad

To see Connor describe Stratus in his own words, visit his testimonial on StratusTube at

Connor Crimmen is somewhat a veteran to the distribution business. Corr Distributers Inc. has been around since 1925, with him working in the shop since the young age of 13 or 14. Throughout that time, Connor had the opportunity to learn the processes, the chemicals and the equipment to the commercial cleaning industry. He learned this by working various jobs around the company like working in the warehouse, driving the trucks and working the counter helping customer and providing customer service.

Needless to say, he’s very familiar with the processes, procedures and equipment of a professional cleaner. With a man of that experience to call the Stratus Green Miracle Pad a “game-changer” was pretty dynamic.
Connor discusses his first experience with the Stratus Green Miracle Pad on a warehouse floor, where grease and dirt is constantly being tracked in. He reported when they used the Stratus Green Miracle Pad on the floor, he could literally see the dirt and grime in the traffic lanes coming up.

One thing that amazed him was the process was green from start to finish. The chemicals are green and the Pad is green, which means there was no health risk for anyone involved. That includes the person doing to work or the employees in the facility after the work is complete. Everyone is safe from toxic fumes and chemicals. Overall he said the process “uses less equipment, is easy and not a dangerous process.”

We know how great our products are and it’s nice that an expert in the industry recognizes that, as well. For more information on how to purchase your own Stratus Green Miracle Pad for floor machines or the handheld version called the Doodle Bug, just call 877-731-2020.

1 comment:

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