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Thursday, October 14, 2010

Professionally Clean is Easy - WE Do It!

Gummy trash can liners.  Cleaning the Ladies Room trash receptacle.  Wiping out the fridge.  Wiping out the TOILET.  There are many reasons to hire a professional cleaning company, and these are just a few of them.
Anyone with a pair of rubber gloves and a mop can make your bathroom (or dare I say KITCHEN) look clean, but what is really growing beneath the visible surface?  Have you ever measured just how dirty it might be?  A professional cleaning company can. 
Technology is a big part of cleaning these days.  It’s a lot more than some glass and all purpose cleaner, a roll of paper towels and a bucket.  Now, using a special machine called an ATP Meter, we can actually put a number to how clean (or dirty) and surface is and measure the level of cleanliness.  Is the computer keyboard really as dirty as the ground by the toilet?  What if it was dirtier…
The technology doesn’t stop there.  You’ve seen a feather duster, right?  Long handle, secured feathers… sounds about right.  To use, you simply brush the dust off the surface.  Here is where a professional cleaning company does things a little differently.  Instead of removing the dirt from the surface, a professional company removes it from the facility.  Sure you would catch most of it by vacuuming, but mostly done is not professionally done.  To accomplish this, a color-coded set of microfiber towels not only remove the dirt but also prevent cross-contamination. 
Click here to find out other ways a professional cleaning company can benefit your facility.  You never know what kinds of ways you will improve the look and feel of your facility.
Dirty jobs are a part of life.  Let us take over that part.  Let us guarantee you a solid clean.    

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