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Thursday, December 9, 2010

Choosing the Right Cleaning Company - Microfiber Results

As is the case in numerous fields, better technology is providing tremendous tools for cleaning companies. The use of micro fiber in maintenance products, for example, is allowing a never before realized opportunity to aid janitorial crews in working dryer, greener, and cleaner.
Microfibers are densely constructed polyester and polyamide (nylon) fibers that are approximately 1/16 the size of a human hair. The density of the material enables it to hold six times its weight in water making it more absorbent than a conventional cloth or mop.
Additionally, the positively charged microfibers attract dust-which has a negative charge-and tiny fibers are able to penetrate the microscopic surface pores of any material. These characteristics make microfiber an effective dusting or mopping material.

There are three main benefits to using microfiber in commercial facilities:
  • Reduces chemical usage and disposal. This allows for a more environmentally friendly approach as well as definitive cost savings.
  • Reduces cleaning times. Labor is the single largest cost component in most commercial cleaning bids. There are numerous case studies that have documented time savings when using microfiber.
  • Reduces workers' compensation claims. This is primarily true of the microfiber mop system when compared to conventional mop bucket and wringer systems. The microfiber system typically utilizes a flat mop-without needing a bucket-that reduces the lifting and wringing motion that can lead to custodial staff injuries. Again, there is documented evidence to back up this contention.
At Stratus, we have taken the microfiber usage a step further and integrated a color coded system that work directly with our Green Seal Certified cleaning chemicals, Stratus Green Clean.  We use green for general dusting, blue for glass and mirrors, yellow for kitchens and break areas and red for restrooms.  Think about it, you wouldn't want someone cleaning your toilet only to turn around and clean your phone with the same towel, would you?

Originally written by Dennis Jarrett, CEO of Stratus Building Solutions in Today's Facility Manager in March 2004.


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