Things to Banish:
- Post Its - Besides looking messy, they can get lost/thrown away/eaten by a hungry coworker... either way none of it is good. Invest in a small notebook to keep on your desk. Unifying your notes not only makes it easier to recall, but it looks much nicer.
- Printouts - If it's saved electronically, you don't need that paper copy! Save yourself the time of printing it out and the money of the paper and ink... and oh yeah, there's the whole environmental factor, too.
- Pens - You only need 4: Black, Blue, Red, Black Permanent Marker. Done.
- Schwag - Don't be tempted by "Free"... all the free cheap pens, stickers, free magazines, brochures, postcards, and anything else holds the same info as a notebook you write down contact info in. Free your desk from these constraints!
- Extra Books - If you use them for reference, great! Keep them. If they're there to make you look smart, well, consider "organized" and "preparedness" as more sought after values.
- Limit Photo Frames - Consider an electronic frame, which holds hundreds of pictures in a single frame. Also, don't underestimate the screen saver background.
Things to Keep and/or Use:
- Inbox Stacking System - Inbox, Incubate, Completed
- Bulletin Board - Great way to visually organize different small amounts of information and to categorize and prioritize.
- Calendar - You can't stay organized without a calendar. Use your email calendar, a desktop or wall calendar or a Daytimer, whatever you prefer... just use one!
- Dump Boxes (Trash Can, Recycling Bin, Shredder) - You will feel much better about throwing papers away if you know they're going to be recycled. Make it easy on yourself. (Or even call Stratus to learn more about our Recycling Program...!)
- Small Containers for Organizing - Anything from small tupperware containers to cigar boxes and upside down seashells. Whatever works best for you.
- Microfiber cloth & Stratus Green Clean All Purpose Cleaner - This should be a given. Yes, your cleaning crew comes through to do the "dirty work" but keep your desk sparkling by maintaining a daily wipedown. You'll be surprised at the results.